Paper Lanterns Quilt

The Paper Lanterns quilt pattern looks tricky, but is broken down into easy steps! I’m a very visual person- so I like to make sure that my patterns are written clearly and broken down into picture steps! So even though this pattern is an Intermediate level pattern, I’m confident that any skill level could accomplish this pattern!

The trickiest part of this pattern is that there are some triangle pieces that are cut on the bias. This can be difficult because fabric is stretchier on the bias. So the key to cutting triangles on the bias is to not stretch them! Many people starch the heck out of their fabrics if they know they will be cutting on the bias. This helps minimize any fabric stretch and/or warp. I don’t particularly like the feel of my fabric once it has been starched, so I just handle my fabric carefully and avoid tugging or pulling on anything!

The Paper Lanterns quilt pattern has two sizes! The twin size is 68″ x 85″ and the throw is a 51″ x 51″. Then there are also two coloring variations to choose from: modern and traditional. The modern version uses multiple color combinations. You can create light and dark gradients, coordinating combos, mix and match prints and solids, etc. The traditional version only uses two colors/fabrics. Simple yet stunning.

Quilt Along!

Who’s up for a quilt along? I wasn’t sure I was going to do another one this year. But this pattern is getting so much hype, I decided to go for! So, if anyone is interested in joining the QAL, you can sign up here.

Mdoern Version of the Paper Lanterns quilt
Modern Version
Traditional Version of the Paper Lanterns Quilt
Traditional Version


I’ll be running this QAL a little different than most. I wanted to try something out. Most quilt alongs have weekly giveaways. I’ve noticed that not very many people participate in entering for the giveaways. Which I get- lots of people feel like, “I never win, so why even enter”. I also don’t like asking small biz companies to give their hard work away for free! So, with that being said, I decided to do weekly discounts to various shops! This way everyone gets something and the small biz gets more business! I hope you all like this! I think it’s exciting!

Feel free to save the following photos to post or save for your reference! The discount codes will be given in the weekly email that goes out each Monday when you sign up for the QAL.

Paper Lanterns Tester’s Quilts

I am always so grateful for my pattern testers. They get to be the first to try out my patterns, but they also give me lots of feedback and suggestions on how to make my patterns as perfect as they can be before releasing them to the public. Well, I really think that these ladies knocked it out of the park! The variety in all the quilts they made is simply stunning and I cannot stop staring at them! So I just had to show them off so you can appreciate them too.

@embercraftcompany paper lanterns test
@hip_homebody paper lanterns test
@bindedwithlove pattern test
@the.reds.quiltco pattern test
@handmade_tlc pattern test
@copperandcitrus paper lanterns test
@boymom_creative pattern test
@sew_special_by_zm paper lanterns test
@Sewmazingquilting pattern test
@missbsquiltingstudio paper lanterns test

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